
Twitter APK

Twitter APK Download

The official Twitter app will allow you to keep using one of the most extensive social networks of the time in any place and at any moment, as long as you are connected to the Internet.

From the app’s main page you can carry out all the usual functions of Twitter: Follow and Unfollow other users, tweet, retweet, etc.

That’s it, browse interest, find & follow friends, tweet, retweet, discover trends, send and receive direct messages with your followers/followed, share links and media… and many other features.

Twitter official app has been significantly improved from its first version, becoming this way one of the most used Android apps. Regarding design, the layout has been enhanced to make it fast and simple to navigate through in your mobile device. It shows four tabs, firstly the timeline, then the @mentions, messages and lists tabs. Now, the @mentions tab also includes retweets and replies, which allows us to see at a glance which Tweets are engaging more interest. About performance, auto-complete for names is included in the latest version, as well as push notifications and multi-account. You can, add an modify your lists and your profile in all of them.

Moreover, it suggests you to follow those contacts from your phonebook that already have a Twitter profile and you still don’t follow. From settings you will be able to configure the push notifications, the updates interval and the appearance. And that’s it, Twitter official app does really well. The latest improvements in design and performance have permitted it to become the first choice for many users, even overtaking other multi-platform clients.

The main advantage of using the Twitter app instead of going straight to the website is the greater ease of use that comes with receiving constant notifications in the notifications bar on your Android device. Furthermore, the differences in functionality are practically priceless.

Latest Version Download Address:Twitter APK

