
Brave Browser APK

Brave Browser APK Download

Link Bubble is an application that works with your Internet browser allowing you to optimize your browsing time using a very simple process: it loads the first link that you click on in the background while it continues to show the current webpage in the foreground. So, you can keep looking at the content that you have in front of you, while the new web page loads in the background.

Chris Lacy may put upside down the way people surf the web on their mobile devices with this simple app.

Link Bubble is a groundbreaking app that develops a simple idea. One of those apps that make you scream: Oh God! Why didn’t I think of that first!? And even if you did, you run late. Sorry, dude.

Link Bubble opens and loads links within apps (Twitter, Flipboard, Facebook…) in the background without leaving the app or interrupting its use. When links are fully loaded, you can tap the floating bubble to read the content on an also floating built-in web browser. When you are done with it, tap and hold the bubble and flick to execute one of the three possible actions: save to pocket, share or delete (close) it.

The free version only allows to open one page (one bubble tab) at a time. Pro version unlocks unlimited bubbles.

With the free version (the version that is available to download online) you will only be able to load one website in the background, while the paid version allows you to load as many pages as you want.

The website that you load in the background will be linked to a little bubble at the left of the screen, so when you click on the bubble, you can access the webpage without having to wait any time at all.

Latest Version Download Address:Brave Browser APK

