
Yelp APK

Yelp APK Download

There’s been decades since the first city guide was released. Since then its format has changed but in essence it was the same. However, thanks to smartphones we all have a geolocator in our pockets and, we all are connected. What does it mean? The unidirectional era (guide editor – user) has finished, we can get reviews, recommendations, advises and any other kind of info instantly to our smartphones. From now, we all will be guide editor’s.

★ Discover great local businesses.

★ Search for nearby restaurants, shops, and services.

★ Filter search results by neighborhood, distance, rating, price, and what’s open now.

★ Read millions of reviews written by a community of active, expert locals.

★ Get to know a business through beautiful photos.

★ Find great Deals offered by your favorite local businesses.

★ Look up addresses and phone numbers, call a business, or make reservations directly from the app.

★ Write reviews, check-in to businesses, upload photos, and add tips of your own!

Yelp is the platform that provides both a places database and the social network to share info about that places. Sign up by filling the form or use Facebook Connect. Create your and edit your profile: avatar, locations, reviews, bios… And start check-in places, posting reviewing about the, rate them. Add friends to widen your knowledge about places and to socialize with other users from around the World.

The check-in system is similar to other location-based social networks like Foursquare: you can get badges and own dukedoms. Other users will be able to check the photos you share, where you checked in, where you’re regular at and other relevant info you want to share with them. What’s more, you can bookmark, look for deals nearby, search places from the bottom search bar.

Latest Version Download Address:Yelp APK

