Here we provide Tamil Proverbs with English V 1.1 for Android 4.0.3+ A tamil proverbs is a simple and concrete statement popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience.
Our tamil proverbs with english app is one of the best app with 2000+ proverbs in 200+ categories.
Features :
1. "Proverbs of the day" While entering the app, Every time the app shows popular tamil proverbs with english.
2. Proverbs on variety of categories.
3. Using Swipe or Listing to view the proverbs.
4. Save the favourite proverbs and view it later.
5. Share your loved proverbs with others using facebook, whatsapp, email or sms.
Tamil proverbs are store-house of immense wisdom and knowledge passed down from generation to generation.
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