
Battle Car Craft APK

Battle Car Craft APK Download

Here we provide Battle Car Craft APK V 1.2.3 for Android 4.0.3+ 3D sandbox vehicular combat game, which you build cars with a whole bunch of hull blocks, weapons, etc. The cars you crafted move/run physically and battle in single play mode and
multiplay mode.

Vehicle physics simulation
Realistic wheel simulation calculates movements such as Friction, lean of a body, acceleration, air resistance by block parts weight and their positions.

Sharing your crafting cars
Posting your photos and movies on Twitter, Youtube.
In future updates, craft build data can be shared between users.

Craft your unique battle cars from dozens of parts with your Infinite Imagination!

if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.

Latest Version Download Address:Battle Car Craft APK

