
Google Talkback APK

Google Talkback APK Download

Google Talkback is an official Google tool designed to help make life easier for users with vision problems, so that they can interact with their Android device in a simpler, more comfortable manner.

Google Talkback is a system level app that comes pre-installed on many devices, offering the blind and vision-impaired a tool to help them understand written text on their mobiles. It adds spoken, audible, and vibration feedback. You have to explicitly turn on Accessibility in order to be able to use it; after enabling it, it becomes the default settings for your device. An extremely useful tool for anyone with vision problems.

Once the app is downloaded, it can be activated within the ‘accessibility’ menu on your device, allowing you to turn on a series of features made for anyone who has a hard time seeing what’s happening on the screen of their Android.

One feature, for example, enables you to listen to a description of absolutely everything that you touch on the screen. Just pass your finger over any element, and you’ll hear the description.

Google Talkback is a tremendously useful tool for anyone with vision problems. Once you install it, you should have a much easier time navigating your Android device.

Latest Version Download Address:Google Talkback APK

