Pac-Man, originally released by Namco on arcade machines in 1980, has gone through many incarnations and transformations over the years. In this version, the original gameplay has been kept, but successfully adapted to touchscreens so that with a bit of skill you can play almost as accurately as you could with the traditional joystick.
Here it is. You don’t have to rummage among fakes, fan copies and crappy ports of Pacman anymore. NAMCO chose to give Pac the place he deserves, and it did in the best possible way: keeping the same game, from the very begginning to its utter end. This is truley faithful to the original. The only visible change is that you don’t have to put a quarter in anymore.
In the game, you’ll need to navigate mazes while eating dots and dodging ghosts. You can also participate in online competitions and leaderboards where everyone is trying to get the highest score possible. The only limitation is that the credit system isn’t infinite, so waiting to recharge your lives can take hours of real time. But if you want to accelerate the process, as in all free-to-play titles, you can shell out real money.
From time to time new levels and different challenges are added, making Pac-Man +Tournament a long-term source of fun as you try to overcome new obstacles.