
Hangouts APK

Hangouts APK Download

Hangouts is an official Google application with the objective to facilitate direct and immediate communication between two users. The application replaces the venerable ‘Google Talk’, adding some new features to the classic messaging tool.

Hangouts, which replaces Google Talk is an application from Google that allows you to chat and video message your Google contacts. The interface is very easy to use and pretty simple in design.

In order to use it, you just need to select the contact you want to talk to and begin a conversation: you don’t need your friends to be connected, they’ll just receive the message later. And don’t forget you can also create group chats, see when people are typing and whenever they’ve seen your message.

You can use Hangouts in the computer and your mobile device, changing your status whenever you’re busy or don’t want to talk to anybody.

Thanks to these new features, Hangout makes it possible to better express yourself with all kinds of visual material, like photographs and emoticons (emoji), of which you’ll have hundreds to choose from.

As you would expect from an instant messaging client, Hangout allows you to see which of your friends are logged in, when they’re typing, and when your previous messages have been read. You don’t even have to be logged in to receive a message from another user.

Just like in Google Talk, you can change your text-based conversation for a videoconference at any moment. You can connect with up to ten people at a time, just press a button and voilà: instant video chat.

One of the most interesting features included in Hangouts is that you can use the service from any device, picking up a conversation right where you left off. In other words, you can start talking to someone while using your computer, continue the conversation on your iPad, and finish it from your Android smartphone.

Hangouts also allows you to save records of your conversations with each user. This really comes in handy if you want to save photographs that someone has shared with you, since they will already be in personalized folders.

One of the main differences between Hangouts and Google Talk, which not everyone will like, is that Hangouts doesn’t have ‘invisible mode’. If you’re connected, you’re connected, no hiding it.

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