
DU Speed Booster And Cleaner APK

DU Speed Booster And Cleaner APK Download

DU Speed Booster is an optimization tool that allows you to increase the processing speed of your Android device and clean the internal memory, getting rid of useless files that are just taking up space without providing any benefits.

DU Speed Booster (Cleaner) is an application for Android devices which boosts speed up to 60% and keeps your phone clean while increasing the storage space.

This app presents various interesting features: making your phone faster, freeing storage space, uninstalling apps, calculating the network speed then provides access to security functions and battery saver (another app). Optimize your phone so it gets to 100 points, which will mean you’re doing a great job.

The main function of DU Speed Booster is the ability to analyze your Android device and measure the processes that are consuming too much memory, trying to speed up the overall processing speed. That said, if all goes well, this tool should not find anything wrong on your end.

The other interesting feature of DU Speed Booster is its game enhancer module which basically closes all processes running in the background when you open a video game so that it will run more fluidly. This tool can be especially useful on older devices that have a hard time running more modern video games.

Other interesting features of DU Speed Booster include the application manager, permissions manager, and call blocker. These are all accessible from one convenient and striking interface.

DU Speed Booster is a powerful optimization tool thanks to which you can improve the speed of your Android device. It is especially useful for users with less powerful devices who want to enjoy more current video games.

Latest Version Download Address:DU Speed Booster And Cleaner APK

