
Commandr for Google Now APK

Commandr for Google Now APK Download

Add commands to Google Now, no root required!

Google Now Just Got Better

Now you can use Google Now to control your flashlight, toggle settings, control music playback, and much more!

Google Now Just Got Personal

Add your own custom commands through Tasker to make sure your device fits your lifestyle.

Listening to You

Vote on new commands or suggest new ones so that we are working on adding the commands you want.

Improving Quickly

Don’t wait for Google! Updates will be quick and support request responses quicker.

Unify Your Smartphone

Access all the features of your device through Google Now so you don’t have to remember what app does what.

Setup and Forget

Once you setup Commandr, it will always be accessible from Google Now and will only run when needed. It won’t slow down your phone or your boot.

Full Android Wear Support

Either say “Okay Google” + the command to your watch or open up the full Android Wear app and tap on a command!

Latest Version Download Address:Commandr for Google Now APK

