السلام عليكم الرجاء اعادة الصفحة المحفوظة الى المرجعيات لتسهيل العودة الى القراءة وجزاكم الله خير Here we provide Mushaf V 2.6.4 for Android 4.0++ 1-not need connection to internet
2-Listen to the Holy Quran in different voices and download sounds with a single click
3-Ability to search the text or the word in the Quran and share verses or copy
4-Explanation َQuran
5-There are several copies of Quran can be downloaded
7- List Quran with Juz" and sura
8-Make screen always on while reading
9-Night mode
10-Convert Quran to text and and resize font
11-Save last bage
13-Bookmark bages
14-Repeating verses
15-play audio even if close app
16-audio controller in notification
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Mushaf APK
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