Here we provide هل لديك أسئلة؟ V 3.6.2 for Android 4.0+ يحتوي هذا التطبيق على ما يزيد عن خمسة مائة سؤال من الأسئلة الأكثر تردداً حول الكتاب المقدس مرتبة حسب موضوعاتها، مع خيار البحث وإختيار المقالات المفضلة لسهولة الرجوع إليها مستقبلاً، بالإضافة إلى سهولة إنزال المقالات الجديدة و/أو التي تم تحديثها، وأيضاً خيار إرسال أسئلتك إلينا إذا لم تجد لها إجابات في هذا التطبيق.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
هل لديك أسئلة؟
탑툰 - 웹툰/만화를 매일매일 무료
Here we provide 탑툰 – 웹툰/만화를 매일매일 무료 V 1.3.7 for Android 4.1+ 전 세계 1500만 회원이 함께하는
글로벌 웹툰 플랫폼, 탑툰.
웹툰, 출판만화, 웹소설을 매일 무료로 서비스합니다.
HD급 고화질과 편리한 인터페이스로 최신 인기 웹툰을 감상하세요.
구글 플레이스토어의 탑툰 그린앱은 성인컨텐츠를 감상하실 수 없습니다.
■ 2014년 한국의 마블, 디즈니를 목표로 설립된 탑툰
-2016년 현재 전 세계 누적 회원 1500만 명, 누적 32억 페이지뷰를 기록 중인 대표적인 웹툰 플랫폼 서비스입니다.
■ 매일매일 업데이트되는 약 150편의 웹툰과 무제한 정액관 만화 약 1,300편
-[오늘만 무료] 서비스로 최신 웹툰을 무료 서비스.
-[기다리면 무료] 서비스로 유료 웹툰을 순차적으로 무료 공개합니다.
■ 한국 웹툰의 질적 향상을 위한 노력
-[은하], [농사를 지어요], [스톡홀름 신드롬] 등 인터넷 커뮤니티에서 높은 작품성을 인정받은 웹툰들을 정식 연재.
-작가들을 발굴함과 동시에 즉각적인 경제 지원을 위해 원고료 선지급 시스템을 정착시켰습니다.
■ 독자 중심의 웹툰 플랫폼
-탑툰의 성장에는 독자들이 함께했음을 늘 기억하며 최우선 가치는 언제나 독자입니다.
-탑툰의 정책은 어떠한 경우라도 독자가 먼저이고 중심입니다.
■ 유저 친화 인터페이스
-구매하신 모든 웹툰은 ‘내 서재’에 보관되며 업데이트를 실시간으로 확인할 수 있습니다.
-아이디 동기화로 웹과 모바일에서 언제든지 다시보기가 가능합니다.
-읽던 웹툰과 웹소설을 보관할 수 있는 책갈피 시스템 ‘찜목록’으로 손쉬운 작품 정리.
-이메일과 비밀번호를 이용한 간편한 회원가입.
탑툰 어플리케이션은 독자들의 편리한 웹툰 감상을 위해 지속적으로 업데이트되고 있습니다.
고객센터: 1644-1531, [email protected]
개발자 연락처 :
고객센터: 1644-1531 [email protected]
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:탑툰 - 웹툰/만화를 매일매일 무료
Photo Background Changer-Free
Dis app is so bad. I jst wasted my data bundles. I ‘m so angry Dis app is totally bad plz pipol do not download.
Here we provide Photo Background Changer-Free V 4.1 for Android 3.0+ Photo background changer app has Five main tools are:
1. Crop photo: you can crop photo to create sticker in multiple shape cut or by using finger touch.
2. Erase Photo: you can erase photo by finger touch.
3. Paste Photo: Created stickers can be pasted into other image selected for background.
4. Image Viewer: you can view all your creation on in build image viewer.
5. Choose attractive background photo from web. Its free of cost.
6. User can share their creation into social media.
7. Now user can add text in different test style, fonts, color.
8. Emoji"s can be added with size modification feature.
9. Attractive tattoos and stickers are available.
User can create photo collage by pasting multiple cut photo into background photo.
You can create family photo in which absent person can be added.
Create photo with animals.
Create photo as pasting sticker.
create sticker by this app.
More Feature:
1. Photo Cut : Photo can be cut in multiple shapes including free hand finger cut. Shape cut like heart, circle, oval, rectangle, square, triangle shape cut.
2. Photo Eraser: User can erase any part of photo by finger touch. It has ability to undo ,redo and adjust eraser size.
3. Photo Cropper : photo can be cropped in multiple shape.
4. Photo Editor: Photo can be edited like drawing over photo, erasing, cutting, applying effect etc.
5. Photo Paint: User can paint over photo by finger touch.
6. Photo Filter: It has multiple photo filter like sepia photo, negative photo, gray scale photo,
7. Photo Mirror: It has ability to generate photo mirror like horizontal, vertical and four side mirror style. User can adjust photo mirror by finger touch.
8. Flip Photo: Photo can be flipped in any direction at any time.
9. Negative Photo Effect: There are multiple color negative photo effect feature available.
10. Photo Border Creator: User can create photo border and can adjust border width and border round radius.
11. Very simple and powerful app flow. Every one can easily understand. No one need to expertise in photo photography app. Easily any photo can be edited.
12. Photo Window: This feature is very excellent. Its create window like effect like photo under photo. It can be say photo eye also.
13. Photo Quotes: User can add any quotes in their photo with text editor.
14. Photo Sticker: User can add stickers from our collection of attractive stickers.
15 Photo Blend: User can blend their photo with background image with opacity.
16. Photo Backgrounds: web backgrounds can be added from our selected background, In which nature backgrounds, waterfall photo, mountain photo, river photo, famous photo, famous bridge photos, famous places , palace photo, beach photos are available.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Photo Background Changer-Free
Here we provide Prodominus V 2.4 for Android 4.4+ Collect cards, construct your deck and build a civilization to stand the test of time!
Prodominus is a revolutionary new game where you must build a civilization using a customized deck of cards. An unique experience is provided with a mix between the epic scale of empire-building and the fast-paced action of collectible card games.
You collect a multitude of different cards, construct a deck and then challenge other players for dominance of a hex-based world map. Prodominus features both a campaign and a multiplayer skirmish mode where you may play against your friends. Victory for your civilization may come either from military dominance or by constructing a wonder.
Main features:
✔ Civilization-Building Gameplay. The unique gameplay combines elements from empire building games with those from collectible card games. Choose a nation and lead it to become a civilization of epic proportions. Use a deck of cards to build, expand and conquer.
✔ Customizable Card Decks. You create and customize your own deck of cards for each match. A multitude of cards are available for construction, civilian, military or diplomacy purposes. Lead your empire to victory by constructing unique wonders.
✔ Campaign and Skirmish mode. You can play the game in campaign mode against the AI or pick a battle with your friends in skirmish mode. Collect stars in the campaign mode and compete with your friends.
✔ Epic Soundtrack & 3D Graphics. Enjoy a stunning 3D top-down view of the world your civilization grows in, while listening to the epic soundtrack. Detailed cards with amazing artwork bring your deck to life.
✔ Online Leaderboards. Once you gain experience you can level up and access the online leaderboards. In the campaign mode you gain stars and climb higher in the world ranking. See how well you play in comparison with your friends by connecting via Facebook.
✔ Evolving Gameplay. New cards and features are continuously added to the game. Keep your deck competitive by regularly evaluating new strategies and maybe start a revolution in the meta-game of deck building.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Prodominus
주식게임 - 주식왕 APK
Here we provide 주식게임 – 주식왕 APK V 1.53 for Android 4.0+ 지루한 모의투자는 가라 내가 하고싶을때 언제나 투자가능한 게임
24시간 움직이는 가상의 주식 시장에서 최고가 되어보세요
이 게임에선 소문(찌라시)의 영향력이 가장 큰 작용을 합니다
내 주식의 소문(찌라시)에 귀기울이세요
당신도 이곳에서 워렌버핏, 만수르가 될 수 있습니다
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:주식게임 - 주식왕 APK
Stone Age Tower Defense APK
Here we provide Stone Age Tower Defense APK V 1.0.2 for Android 2.3.2+ You have to prepare yourself for a mythic adventure in the past where prehistoric creatures we’re still alive and walking next to us and because this tower defense game is about to challenge your inner strategist to create an infallible fortress you have to be ready to face the struggle. Stone Age tower defense is a classical strategy game which imply having your mind and thinking a little bit different so you can handle each kind of situations you are put into. Start with choosing the type of tower that you think might help you in this battle with dinosaurs and try to find a specific way to place each kind of tower. Focus to destroy as many creatures possible and touch the cranium spot as fast you can because if you do it your budget will raise and you’ll be able to buy more tower or even better to upgrade the one you have in custody.
Resist waves of enemies by combining strategic placement of defense towers and good tactics. Protect your home and eliminate the dinosaurs before they’ll get to you, although if you miss the chance to shoot them and they’ll be out of your within range you have another opportunity to get rid of them with your chargeable rain of meteors that will get to them right away. Be ready to stop your enemy once for all. While you pass levels you’ll see that the difficulty degree will change and you’ll have to adapt to any situations you’ll face. Watch out because you have limited resourced and if you don’t use them wise you can be easily attacked and because you have only 10 lives you might think about the strategy and the positions of towers twice.
Take a look at these features that this game offers you:
– Prehistoric battle
– Strategically designed levels
– A variety of heavy weapons and defense props
– Free to play
– Tactics, action, good graphics, easy playing
– Many levels to pass with a lots of upgrades
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Stone Age Tower Defense APK
Free Dict Turkish English
Here we provide Free Dict Turkish English V 3.6 for Android 2.3.2+ Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * More than 139,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input * Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connection required (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)
BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages. That"s why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, and will continue to do so in the future. Our Turkish English Dictionary & Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendly dictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates from english to turkish and turkish to english.
– Voice pronunciation and input
– More than 139,000 translation pairs
– Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)
– Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms
– Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to find its translations (Only in PRO version!)
– Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce you the selected word or phrase
– Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy the word or phrase (Only in PRO version!)
– Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection is required!)
– Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)
– History & Favorites
– Moon Reader and FBReader translate support (Only in PRO version!)
– Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharing words with the dictionary from other apps. (Only in PRO version!)
– Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily by enabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tapping on the notification bar. (Only in PRO version!)
If you like our app, please review it.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Free Dict Turkish English
Here we provide 카카오페이지-웹툰,웹소설,만화,무협,로맨스 V for Android 2.3.2+ ### 9월 특별 이벤트 ###
만화,소설 보기 딱 좋은 계절! 신상 카톡 이모티콘과 캐시를 드립니다!
아무거나 5편만 봐도 ‘요괴워치’ 웹툰 이모티콘 증정!
‘기다리면 무료’ 10편 보면 총 1만명 1000캐시 증정!
웹툰, 웹소설은 기본! 오직 카카오페이지에만 있는 1,200여개의 "기다리면 무료’ 작품을 부담없이 즐기세요-
# 웹툰 대표작
– 김태형/이도경 [달빛조각사] 300만명이 선택한 인기소설이 웹툰으로!
– 이나래 [허니블러드] 애완견 같은 뱀파이어와의 달콤 섹시 로맨스~
– 백지운/윤준식 [언데드킹] 좀비vs강시, 세상의 운명을 건 언데드들간의 전쟁!
# 웹소설 대표작
– 윤슬 로맨스 [월흔] 제멋대로지만 섹시한 왕과의 위험한 동침?
– 김홍준 판타지 [백룡공작 팬드래건] 반역자로 몰렸던 레이븐, 팬드래건 공작을 만나다!
– 초 무협 [신룡무] 신룡대주 단유소와 천하제일미 한설연, 강호의 환란을 막으러 나섰다!
# 기다리면 무료 대표작
– 인기 만화 [밤을 걷는 선비], [하백의신부], [총수], [통 1부], [스타크래프트 에쒸비], [심장에게 주다], [신의 물방울], [짱], [용비불패], [학원왕자], [트레이스], [열혈여아], [앙신의 강림], [Kiss me 프린세스], [도시정벌], [코믹 메이플스토리 오프라인 RPG] 등 약 140종 이상의 작품
– 인기 소설 [달빛조각사], [하얀 늑대들], [황제의 외동딸], [이세계의 황비], [정글만리], [스탯 업], [북검전기], [권왕무적], [마법군주], [마검왕], [갓 오브 블랙필드], [정령왕 엘퀴네스], [이차원 용병], [군주의 여인], [맹수의 침실에 초대받다], [골드 스캔들] 등 약 180종 이상의 작품
▶ 카카오페이지, 이렇게 다르다!
1. 카카오페이지에서만 볼 수 있는 작품
– 독점, 선연재되는 만화와 소설을 만나보세요.
– 추억의 만화도 컬러, 고화질로 보실 수 있어요.
2. 아낌없는 무료
– 웹툰/웹소설은 무료로 연재됩니다.
– 기다리거나 친구에게 선물하면 이용권을 받아 무료로 볼 수 있어요.
– 매일매일 찾아오는 오늘의 선물도 놓치지 마세요.
3. 편리한 보관함
– 최근에 본 작품을 이어서 바로 보실 수 있어요.
– 기다리던 업데이트 소식, 댓글에 대한 반응을 [알림]에서 확인하세요.
4. 전문 뷰어
– 텍스트, 이미지, 음악, 영상에 특화된 뷰어로 풍성하고 편리하게 감상하세요.
개발자 연락처 :
242 Cheomdan-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:카카오페이지-웹툰,웹소설,만화,무협,로맨스
VR Cosmic Tour APK
Here we provide VR Cosmic Tour APK V 1.1 for Android 2.3.2+ Your spaceship has arrived the cosmic space. You are left alone to explore the outer space.
There is no one around you. The closest living being is about few light years away from you.
In cosmic tour VR, you can find yourself exploring though the universe. Go all around the universe and feel the beauty of the universe through google cardboard glasses.
Here is the place where you will see what you always dreamed of. It’s a different type of roller coster which will take you all over to the top of the space.
Features –
1) A fully immersive VR experience with good head tracking, specially designed for google cardboard glasses.
2) With the help of gyro, the game supports head tracking which lets you view the space in 360 degrees ..
3) Amazing graphics of cosmos, stars, satellites & space hubris as well.
4) Highly futuristic sound track. Keep you headphones on and enjoy the cosmic space vr ride.
So what are you waiting for? Put on your google glasses and enjoy the vr cosmic roller coaster ride.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:VR Cosmic Tour APK
Panorama 360 Photos
Stupid people will always complain If you want a better 360 cam just buy ricoh theta camera.. No need to waste your time to searching google with keyword “best camera 360” you will never find it.
Here we provide Panorama 360 Photos V 4.4.7-v7a for Android 2.3.2+ Panorama 360 is the best panorama camera app letting you create 360 degree PRO quality panoramas for FREE instantly.
One of the Top 20 apps at Mobile World Congress Barcelona- 2013
Covered by the Top publications:
TechCrunch: "360: TeliportMe Brings Its Killer Panorama App To Android (Oh, And It Works On Over 200 Phones)"
GigaOM: " Instagram for Panoramas"
TheNextWeb: "TeliportMe building a crowdsourced streetview with their 360 Panorama App"
PennOlson: "TeliportMe, Maker of 360 Panorama app, looks at the bigger picture"
AddictiveTips: "Panorama360 For Android Gets Major Update, Brings Better Panorama Stitching"
TheDroidGuy: "Panorama360 Gets Updated Again, Panoramas Just Keep Getting Better"
Now, with Panorama 360 , seamless panoramas can be easily created in seconds with a single tap. Just tap the Capture button and move your phone slowly and steadily from left to right. Once done capturing, the frames will be stitched into one awesome panorama automatically.
Panorama 360 lets you share quick n easy high resolution panoramas on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Find out what the world is up to through our REALTIME panorama feed and share your exciting panoramas with other members.
We are similar to Photosphere but do not do the top and down part.
– Panos can be shared & viewed via 3D viewer or as flat images
– Non-compass capture
– Add 3D effects to your panoramas.
– Automatic storage in SD card.
– Photosphere integration lets you upload directly into Teliportme
– Direct upload to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr
– Share flat images via email
– Automatic geo-tagging
– Click "Nearby" to view Panoramas around your location
– HD option to get high res panos
Convert your phone camera in a 360 Panorama tool. It"s really easy-
– Tap your screen to start the process
– Move in the direction indicated by the pointer
– Tap again to stop
– Your panorama will get stitched and ready to share in less than 1 minute
To get the best panoramas, make sure there is enough light and keep your hands steady while capturing the frames
Follow us on Twitter @teliportme for more updates.
For any queries, suggestions or feedback contact us via [email protected] and we will respond within minutes!!
Permissions required:
• ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION : We use this to find the location when you are sharing a panorama so that you can define the exact location.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Panorama 360 Photos
Election Day - USA 2016 APK
Here we provide Election Day – USA 2016 APK V 2.0 for Android 2.3.2+ Want to become the next President of USA?
You can make the Republicans take over the White House or keep the Democratic Party in power for another 4 years.
Take a stand on current issues, win support from various factions like Public, Media, Business etc., debate other candidates and run for presidency in this casual politics simulation game.
Will you support gun control, immigration or stand against? Will you play dirty and run negative ads against your opponents? Will you stick to your views and lose or compromise with your ideals to become the President?
– Play as 1 of 12 candidates. Candidates include Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders etc.
– Take a stand on important issues facing the country today
– Debate against other Presidential Candidates.
– Politics game where you have to survive in the election race for as long as possible
Want Hillary to be the new US President? Want to stop Trump from building his wall? Or want him to be the new President?
Remember, every decision counts. Be part of a political revolution. There is a thin wall between getting extremely popular and your campaign completely crashing. Get support from all factions, improve your Poll Rating, Punch your way through your opponents and become victorious on ELECTION DAY.
Carve your name in the history of USA!
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Election Day - USA 2016 APK
Italian Dictionary - Offline
Here we provide Italian Dictionary – Offline V 3.2.2 for Android 4.0+ This free offline Italian dictionary application explains the meaning of Italian words, based on Italian Wiktionary. This is a monolingual dictionary only in Italian, i.e. words must be entered in Italian. Warning: lot of words are missing due to the italian Wiktionary"s incompleteness.
♦ More than 49000 Italian words, large number of inflected forms and conjugation of verbs
♦ Fast as it works offline, internet is used only when a word is not found in the offline dictionary
♦ You can leaf through words using your finger!
♦ Easy and functional user interface, optimized also for tablets
♦ Bookmarks and search history with option to backup your bookmarks
♦ Crossword help: the symbol ? can be used in place of unknown letter
♦ Random search (shuffle): useful to learn new words
♦ Share word definition using other apps, like gmail or whatsapp
♦ Compatible with Moon+ Reader and FBReader
Your settings
♦ Black and white themes with user defined text colors (press menu–>select Settings–>click on Theme)
♦ Optional Floating Action Button (FAB) supporting one of the following actions: Search, History, Favorites, Random search and Share option
♦ Persistent Search option to get automatic keyboard at startup
♦ Text to speech options
♦ Number of items in history
♦ Customisable font size and line spacing
You can listen to the word pronunciation, provided that voice data have been installed in your phone (Text-to-speech engine).
Acknowledgements, comments and useful suggestions are welcome.
You can improve the Italian dictionary by adding the missing definitions using the site
Latest Version Download Address:Italian Dictionary - Offline
Moon Phase Calculator Free
Here we provide Moon Phase Calculator Free V 2.0.7 for Android 2.3.2+ Simple and fast app to give you the information you want right away.
—Large Beautiful Images—
Images of the moon phases large enough for a tablet but scale down for smaller devices as well.
—Barely Uses the GPS—
When the GPS is used, it is turned off right after a location is found. Then it continues to use this "last known location" unless you request an updated one. This saves your battery and puts the control of the GPS in your hands.
—Three Styles to Choose From—
Pick the style of moon phase you like the best. There is a realistic view, a moon with a sharp transition, and a simple black and white style.
—Google Map Integration—
Click on a Google Map to choose your location and manually set your timezone.
—List of Cities—
No need to share your location, pick a city from the list to see the results for that area.
—Works Without An Internet Connection—
No internet connection is needed for gps or the list of cities to work. The data is calculated locally to give you an accurate moon phase, moonrise and moonset time. If you wish to use the Google Map you will need a connection to the internet.
—Customize The Display—
Choose to see more or less details. Turn on or off the illuminated fraction and days until the next full moon. Pick your daylight savings time settings, either US, EU, off, or always on.
—Why This App?—
Knowing the phase of the moon and when it will rise and set in your area can be useful for many reasons, such as:
– Hunting
– Fishing
– Photography
– Camping
– Walking
– Avoiding werewolves
– Or for anyone who has an interest in how the moon will look
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Moon Phase Calculator Free
Font Studio- Photo Texts Image
This is probably one if the easiest photo editing apps I’ve come across. I love all the available fonts. The stickers are cute and so are the various background possibilities. The ads aren’t annoying, to me. You can easily bypass them. Fun way to create perfect scrapbook ideas or pages. I’m using this in conjunction with my shutterfly acct to create a summer memory book. Easy!
Here we provide Font Studio- Photo Texts Image V 3.1.2 for Android 4.0+ Font Studio – The most useful font editor for you to make your photos look like more cool and beautiful.
Font Studio lets you add beautiful typography to the photos you like. At the same time, combine it with elaborate filters, cool stickers, picture frames and artwork to help you make beautiful, rich and creative photos. As soon as you share your photos on social networks, your designs will get more likes and followers.
Typography — Add texts to photo
*Over 120 carefully chosen beautiful fonts, you can download even more local fonts for free, and constant updates.
* Rotate, Enlarge, and Shrink text.
*Change text colour, transparency, and add shadows.
* Add multiple text layers, to create beautiful and unique font designs.
Photo Editor
*Adjust photo brightness, contrast, saturation, and blur.
*17 filters to beautify your photos.
Add shape frames
* Add 30+ free shapes to your photos, including circles, heart shapes, and stipes
*Adjust shapes" colour and transparency.
*Invert your shapes, create an imaginative photo design.
Over 400+ carefully designed free stickers, including word art, stamps, and cartoons etc.
Shortcut to sharing on Instagram, facebook, and other social networks, get even more attention and likes.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Font Studio- Photo Texts Image
Drive In Tank Simulator APK
Here we provide Drive In Tank Simulator APK V 1.5 for Android 2.3.2+ Drive In Tank Simulator
Tank Driving Simulator – a simulation game where you can control the tank in the city right from the cab. Exciting new simulator with a view of the interior of the tank with the traffic in the city. Ride on a tank among cars and trucks. Crush and crashed the car. New unique 3D City. Feel machinist heavy military machine.
Play in the simulator is completely free of charge and without an internet connection. Thank you for playing with us, leave us your feedback and we will try to improve our game as much as possible!
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Drive In Tank Simulator APK
Bible d"étude Segond 21
Here we provide Bible d’étude Segond 21 V 3.0.1 for Android 4.0+ La Bible d’étude Segond 21 est une des seules Bibles d’étude disponibles en français sur le Play Store. Elle vous permet de:
– consulter les notes de référence Segond 21: plus de 23’000 notes indiquant les autres traductions possibles, la traduction littérale quand il a fallu s’en éloigner, la traduction précise du texte porté par les différents manuscrits et les versions anciennes (en grec, latin ou syriaque) de la Bible quand il y a des différences, les informations géographiques et historiques utiles et les renvois internes au texte biblique (citations mutuelles, allusions)
– étudier la Bible à travers les nombreuses références parallèles proposées (souvent plusieurs par verset)
– surligner le texte, ajouter vos notes personnelles et des signets, les afficher et revenir directement dessus
– retrouver toutes vos notes sur n’importe quel autre appareil (autre tablette, ordinateur ou smartphone)
– faire la recherche rapide d’un mot dans toute la Bible, ou dans l’Ancien Testament ou le Nouveau Testament seulement
– retrouver votre historique de lecture (idéal dans le cadre d’une étude biblique ou lors d’une prédication)
– lire la Bible en mode portrait ou paysage, en naviguant de chapitre en chapitre
– lire en mode nuit
– modifier à volonté la taille des caractères
La version de la Bible utilisée dans l’application est la Segond 21, publiée pour la première fois en 2007 par la Société Biblique de Genève après 12 années de travail. Son mot d’ordre? «L’original, avec les mots d"aujourd’hui»: elle se veut fidèle à la formulation des textes originaux tout en employant un vocabulaire courant en ce début de 21e siècle. Disponible en plus de 70 éditions papier, dans tous les formats, matériaux et couleurs, à tous les prix et pour tous les goûts, elle est une grande habituée des meilleures ventes de la FNAC et autres grandes surfaces, et elle a franchi le seuil des 2´000’000 d’exemplaires vendus, ce qui fait d’elle la version la plus répandue en francophonie.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Bible d"étude Segond 21
Free Dict French English
Here we provide Free Dict French English V 3.6 for Android 2.3.2+ Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * More than 64,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input * Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connection required (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)
BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages. That"s why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, and will continue to do so in the future. Our French English Dictionary & Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendly dictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates from english to french and french to english.
– Voice pronunciation and input
– More than 64,000 translation pairs
– Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)
– Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms
– Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to find its translations (Only in PRO version!)
– Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce you the selected word or phrase
– Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy the word or phrase (Only in PRO version!)
– Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection is required!)
– Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)
– History & Favorites
– Moon Reader and FBReader translate support (Only in PRO version!)
– Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharing words with the dictionary from other apps. (Only in PRO version!)
– Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily by enabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tapping on the notification bar. (Only in PRO version!)
If you like our app, please review it.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Free Dict French English
Slideshow Maker
Everything I need!! I love it! It’s everything I’m searching for. Super easy to use and has some awesome features. Only other thing is that it could work on the quality once download even with the quality compressor off.
Here we provide Slideshow Maker V 9.9 for Android 3.0+ Select photos and instantly get an awesome video slideshow.
Incredibly easy to use, yet highly powerful and has many options to customize and make it personal.
Main Features:
Photos Add as many photos as you like from your gallery, camera or from the web
Instant Instantly play your video
Styles Select from many video styles and animated video frames
Stickers Choose from over 100+ stickers. Search for more stickers on the internet right from the app.
Music Select from multiple sound track options, or import your own
Text Add text using over 55 different fonts
Filters Many filters to enhance your photos
Easy gestures Easy to use. Intuitive and fast
Share Share the video you created with friends and family via standard sharing.
Modify You can edit the video after saving at any time.
More information:
* Free with ads.
* No private data is collected – see privacy policy and terms below
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Slideshow Maker
Kill Zombies APK
Here we provide Kill Zombies APK V 1.6.41 for Android 2.3.4+ ZOMBIE KILL is the challenge of courage and power in the world of crisis.
With a machine gun, destroy those zombies, funish them. Dare you?
Virus outbreak and zombies swept the area where you were. Family and friend were killed. Can’t connect anyone under complete news blackout.
You must grasp the survival skills used to have, with determination, use all resources in the broken world to live. Together people you met and back to the normal world.
To live, to revenge, to kill them is you only goal now. But don"t let hatred blinded your eyes, in the shadow behind zombies, many glasses staring at you……
Game features:
☆ kill zombies by your hand;
☆ capture zombies for building and working;
☆ training soldiers, trap, against zombies and other survivors’ attack effectively;
☆ rise architectural level, so that the function of the building will be more powerful;
☆ building in the wild map to collect or steal a variety of resources;
☆ join the alliance, you can exchange and cooperation with other players, to help each other easier to survive;
☆ games with real time, players can communicate with the world"s different members of the alliance;
☆ training different commanders for different situations. It will can be more flexible res;
☆ FREE social strategy games;
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Kill Zombies APK
Home Shifting Transport Truck APK
Here we provide Home Shifting Transport Truck APK V 1.0.2 for Android 4.0+ Enjoy one of the amazing big transport truck games with the fun addition of forklift games, the king of all loader and transport games in one package. We promise transporter truck 3D home shifting simulator will give you a mind-blowing truck experience of driving heavy transporter truck trailer and fork lifter carrying heavy load. You’ll find the amazing features associated with transport truck games and forklift games which is surely a brand new concept in transport games. So, get ready for a wonderful HOME SHIFTING TRANSPORT TRUCK fun where you can show off your parking, driving and home equipment transportation skills.
Play the latest home shifting truck simulator 3D in which you will have to take over the control of heavy transport trailer and fork lifter. It’s time to examine your ultimate truck driving and truck parking skills. The objective is easy, first you need to move your heavy fork lifter near the home shifting stuff placed on the ground and load the home’s equipment one by one with the help of hydraulic forks on your forklifting machine, and then unload the equipment on the big trailer of your truck loader. After loading the truck with shifting stuff, you will drive this heavy truck trailer to its destination with precision and accuracy. You will face exciting levels in a realistic city environment. So get your hands on this home shifting transporter game and be the expert truck driver of this truck simulator.
Enjoy the ultimate in 3D transport truck games which gives you the excitement of driving heavy fork lifter. This transporter truck will challenge you with exciting gameplay and levels never seen in transport games. If you love handling heavy fork lifter then this is definitely one of the best forklift games for you. So, turn on your engines and get ready to shift home supplies with the modern HOME SHIFTING TRANSPORT TRUCK.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Home Shifting Transport Truck APK
♱ Audio Bible Stories
Here we provide ♱ Audio Bible Stories V 2.5 for Android 2.3.2+ This is app of true stories (books audio) from bible. The stories give you a history of the world from when God began to create until right up to our present day.
There are over 150 stories in the app. These are grouped in two parts (Old Testament and New Testament). The stories appear in the order that events occurred in history.
A story index of the Bible
+Old Testament
-The Creation
-Adam and Eve
-Cain and Abel
+New Testament
-Jesus is Born
-Wise Men and King Herod
-Jesus is Tempted
-Paul Goes to Rome
♱ God bless you !
♡ Review from user :♡
✍ Joanna Riley :Thank u for helping me know the bible a lot better by reading it to me. I feel like i can understand it better now! Thank u so much may The Lord bless u in so many ways!
✍ GENESE Simmons on Jun 16, 2015 : EXCELLENT APP This is a great app for anyone to have especially for me who is learning about the bible to apply it in my own life is there app for that please let me know. Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU.
✍ Aric Gutierrez on Jun 4, 2015 : Amazing Now its easier for me to focus while reading and understanding God"s word! I knew some stories but not all. But I believe now I will know! Thank You.
✍ Steven Arkon : Best App IHave Great tool to teach you kids or grandkids. Or just set down and listen to the Lord"s word. Easy Listening, great app.
✍ Ashley Goff : Love it My kids and I love listening to the story"s . This is a wonderful app.
✍ Faye Martin Tucker :Thankful For This App I like this because of the stories of course, but also the voice isn"t growly and irritating as some audio bibles I have tried to listen to. The audio comes in good and it"s clear and simple. I have given up on some because the voice was just so displeasing. I ordered Bible cds a few years back I would never listen to. It"s nice to have this portable app to go with me.
✍ Aldwin sanchez : To God be the glory When you got tired a bit of reading the bible, rest your eyes and let the ears listen, thank God for he uses the people to create such marvelous ideas to reach out people in these end of days.
✍ Betty raymond : Audio Bible stories Love it…good study tool..God bless you!
✍ Isis Aber : The stories are enjoy by my children at bed time. Thank you may God continue to bless you and your family.
✍ …
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:♱ Audio Bible Stories
PocketBible Bible Study
Here we provide PocketBible Bible Study V 1.5.2 for Android 4.0+ Enjoy fast and easy access to your favorite Bibles, reference books, devotionals and more–all offline! With PocketBible Bible Study app, you can:
* Read and study the Bible anywhere. Unlike other Bible apps for Android, no Internet connection is required once you"ve downloaded your Bibles and books onto your device.
* Continuous scrolling means you"ll never fall behind your pastor or Bible study leader.! Compare PocketBible to your current Android Bible app – PocketBible really is lightning fast!
* Quickly go to any verse using the colorful book/chapter/verse chooser.
* Search your Bibles and books by word or phrase.
* Easily switch between any number of open Bibles and books.
* Look at multiple books at the same time. Open up to 2 panes on your smartphone and 5 panes on your tablet. Bibles and books will always stay on the same verse (can also be turned off so they don"t stay on the same verse)
* Record what you learn by taking notes, highlighting passages, and setting bookmarks. Bible references in your notes are automatically linked to the Bible.
* Track your progress through devotionals and Bible reading plans.
* Synchronize your notes, highlights, bookmarks and daily reading progress with the Laridian Cloud and share between your other devices using PocketBible.
* Adjust font, font size and background color for your reading pleasure.
* Register PocketBible for free access to 40+ Bibles, reference books, devotionals and reading plans. Grow your library at any time by choosing from 100s of popular titles from Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale and more (each sold separately).
Free Bibles and books include:
* 9 Bibles including American Standard Version (ASV), Bible in Basic English (BBE), Darby"s New Translation (DNT), Geneva Bible (New Testament), King James Version (KJV), Webster"s Bible, Weymouth Bible, World English Bible (WEB), Young"s Literal Translation
* 4 Bible Commentaries including Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible by Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry, Reference Notes by Scofield, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
* 5 Topical References including Easton"s Bible Dictionary, Nave"s Topical Bible, Hitchcock"s Dictionary of Bible Names, Torrey"s Topical Textbook, Condensed Bible Cyclopedia
* 11 Devotional Reading Books including 7 "Through the Bible" Reading Plans, Professor Grant Horner"s Bible Reading System, M"Cheyne One-Year Bible Reading Plan, Morning and Evening Devotionals by Spurgeon, Daily Light on the Daily Path, A Harmony of the Gospels
* 12 Other Bible Reference Books including Works of Josephus (5 Volumes), Works of Augustine (5 Volumes), Imitation of Christ, Foxe"s Book of Martyrs
To get the latest news and up and coming features of PocketBible check out our Google+ page:
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:PocketBible Bible Study
Panzer Strike APK
Here we provide Panzer Strike APK V 1.2.9 for Android 4.0+ Resources, arms and power are all indispensable in this troubled world. During the war era, a large number of factions formed to battle for dominance, during which the fight for resources ensued, with nuclear deterrents making relationships between camps even trickier. Now, flag bearers need to stand up and be counted, to lead the justice league, to calmly fight for resources and power and to remove the threat of nuclear weapons and to change the world order!
Help your coalition rise up to face missions, relying on wisdom to develop the best strategy and fighting hand in hand with your allies to defeat the enemy and to defend your coalition"s glory!
Good development helps during Coalition wars. Strengthen your basic infrastructure, train your armored troops and stabilize your coalition defenses. Excellent development and a flawless defense will scare your enemies away!
Powerful coalition wars, give your troops a strong military backing to declare war against enemies and enter the battleground with your coalition allies. As with every RTS game, you can fight alongside Coalition allies from across the world.
Ultimate Skills!
Truly powerful coalitions need to keep a strong deterrent to stop enemies from attacking, develop your coalition"s nuclear weapon system to the point that enemies are frightened at the thought of you!
Customer service email:[email protected]
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Panzer Strike APK
Pixgram -video photo slideshow
I took all that time out to make the video & then it wouldn’t even let me SAVE IT!!!!! So mad.
Here we provide Pixgram -video photo slideshow V 2.0.1 for Android 4.3+ Pixgram is the best app that you can customize your own video and photo slideshow with music.
Only three simple steps, Pick Up Video/Photos, Choose Filter Effects and Music, then you can create a video and share everyday wonderful moments with your family and friends.
★★★ Import your Videos and Photos!
– Now you can mix your favorite videos and photos together to have an amazing slideshow.
★★★ Add Music
– Add your favorite songs into your video and slideshows.
– Discover kinds of the online music.
★★★ Powerful and Simple Editor
– Easy to use and edit the video slideshow in one place, It"s so convenient!
★★★ Video Filters
– Enhance your video with exquisite filters
★★★ Share with your friends
– Instant sharing slideshow to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
★★★ Various Video Size
– You can save your video and slideshow in 1:1, 16:9 or 9:16.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Pixgram -video photo slideshow
4x4 Hill Climb Offroad APK
Here we provide 4×4 Hill Climb Offroad APK V 1.03 for Android 2.3.2+ 4×4 Hill Climb Offroad is the newest open world 4×4 car driving simulation, drive offroad 4×4 vehicles on a secluded forest island where you can perform awesome stunts, smash into interactive environment objects and explore the amazing offroad island paradise. With small villages spread throughout the forest island, you can cause havoc by driving through, smash into crates, road signs and much more. Experience realistic car damage by flipping your car, driving through water, and bumping into objects.
In 4×4 Hill Climb Offroad, you can choose from a garage filled with tough offroad trucks and cars, use them to drive drive anywhere! You have the freedom to drive anywhere, do anything, and rule the offroad island environment with your 4×4, so strap on yourself in, you"re in for an offroad adventure in 4×4 Hill Climb Offroad!
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:4x4 Hill Climb Offroad APK
Clash of Thrones APK
Here we provide Clash of Thrones APK V 1.0.29 for Android 2.3.4+ Game Features
Battle with players from every corner of the real world. Talk with them, ally with them, or defeat them with you and your friends" coordination!
Observe the battles all around the world. Every single step will be under your eyes.
Mount on and fly high! Overlook seculars from the sky!
Build your most magnificent town, and your most furious army in the Battlezone.
Use numerous strategies: diplomacy and tactic, to defeat your enemies, crown on the throne!
Enter the world of CLASH OF THRONES and enjoy art of war!
Use "Contact Us" in the game to obtain immediate service and answers to your problems
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Clash of Thrones APK
Al Quran
Here we provide Al Quran V 2.8 for Android 2.3.2+ Complete Quran (114 Surah) with Uthmanic tashkeel Arabic text and Translation in 27 languages and Verse by Verse synchronized Telawah audio.
* Change Arabic/Translation Text Size
* Unlimited Bookmarking
* Change Text/Background Colors
* Easy and fast Surah Index List
* Surah details like Para, Maki/Madni, Total Ayah, Ruku etc.
* Option to view only Arabic or with Translation
Verse by verse synchronised recitation audio in voice of 7 Qari (1 Qari in Free & 7 in Paid Version Only):
1- Ahmed Al Ajmi
2- Ali Al-Hothaify
3- Maher Moeqali
4- Mohammad Ayoub
5- Saad Al-Ghamdi
6- Sheikh Sudais
7- Waheed Zafar Qasmi (With Urdu Audio)
Translation of Koran in 27 Languages include:
* Albenian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Czeck
* Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai
* English, Malay, Finnish, Indonesia
* French, German, Italian, Dutch
* Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Maranao
* Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish
* Transliteration, Turkish, Urdu
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Al Quran
Daily Bible Devotion
Here we provide Daily Bible Devotion V 5.11 for Android 2.3.4+ Get daily devotionals and bible verses that are inspirational, easy to understand and grows your relationship with God. Share this with others even those who aren"t saved or church goers. Each day a new devotional will be delivered to the app. Enjoy and God bless!
* A new bible devotional is delivered to your app each day.
* Each devotional comes with a way to apply it to your life.
* Share any devotional with your friends and family.
* Save your favorite devotionals to read later or to reference.
A great way to receive your daily bread. Remember, you will also get a life application for each bible verse and scripture.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Daily Bible Devotion
Great Heroes - Fire Helicopter APK
Here we provide Great Heroes – Fire Helicopter APK V 1.1 for Android 2.3.2+ Welcome to great heroes – fire helicopter, pilots, today is your first day on the job no doubt you have completed your helicopter flight training. Today we are going to introduce you pilots to what it takes to fly in a special designed firefighting rescue helicopter.
Great heroes – fire helicopter is a helicopter flight simulator with some impressive 3D graphics and special firefighter effects. In this free 3D firefighter helicopter simulator game there are 20 different missions and the missions are all about saving the forest from the spreading wildfires. Your job is to pilot to these dangerous fires and use your firefighter skills and pilot skills to pilot above the spreading wildfires and try to put them out before they get a chance to spread!
Great Heroes – Fire Helicopter is a special 3D flight simulator game and the first of his kind because this game is all about aerial firefighting. As a firefighter pilot you are going to use chemicals that may include water, water enhancers such as foams and gels to put a halt to the spreading wildfires. Your helicopter can hover over the fire and drop the water with chemicals on top of the fires.
Great Heroes – Fire Helicopter 3D flight simulator game features:
20 different wildfires to put out, to prevent them from spreading.
Fighting fire from a helicopter is a difficult task and a limit amount of time is available so hurry up pilots.
To put out the fire successfully you need to keep the flight altitude between the 45m and 120m to make sure you can successfully put out the fires.
You have a limited amount of dry chemical powder so make sure you use it in the right way.
The game will get harder and harder, the fires will become bigger and bigger and it is up to you our great hero to save the forests from disaster.
As a firefighter helicopter pilot you have a serious task your job is to extinguish the fires in the forests. Fly your firefighting helicopter drop the firefighter chemicals on the fire. Avoid crashing into the trees or into the ground, also be careful you don’t let your helicopter fly to near the fire otherwise you will catch fire yourself. This is something you need to prevent. Try to successfully complete all the levels and we hope you will have fun with this awesome simulation game!
If you like to support our work or just want to stay up-to-date about our new upcoming titles then keep a watch on our Facebook page or follow us on twitter.
Facebook –
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Latest Version Download Address:Great Heroes - Fire Helicopter APK
No Crop & Square for Instagram
I love this app. Easy to use. Comes in handy for instagram for sure. Cut my photos instagram sure! I will rebel with no crop!
Here we provide No Crop & Square for Instagram V 3.1.2 for Android 4.0+ No Crop – No.1 nice pics editing app which you can post full sized pics on Instagram without cropping.
Are you tired of cropping your pics on Instagram? Download No Crop for free and post your pics the way you want to Instagram today. No Crop is highly customized pics editing app featuring user friendly interface, including a pics editor with different effects to make the pics you post on Instagram even more special.
With NoCrop, you can edit your photos with multiple filters, effects and smiley emojis to make your photos more popular and special. You can also decorate your words with many new, animated, 3D emoticons, Emoji Arts, Stylish fonts to express your rich emotion. You can also add Emoji tag to your Photos. Now, Let us enjoy it!
Main Features:
– Post full sized photos on Instagram
– Rotate, flip and resize photos
– Add templates and make your own collage function.
– Can choose 200+ free background patterns
– Select album photos as your background
– 30 filters to make your photos more beautiful
– Add text with different fonts and resize text
– 400+ free stickers and emoji stickers to personalize your photo
– Share photos to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or anywhere else
Follow @NoCrop_RC on Instagram for news, updates and to see fantastic photos! Don"t forget to add hashtag #rcnocrop to your photos to get more likes and followers.
Download No Crop now – it"s the best way to post entire pics on Instagram without cropping!
Have any questions, feedbacks, or feature requests? Get in touch with us:
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:No Crop & Square for Instagram
Xeno Tower Defense APK
Here we provide Xeno Tower Defense APK V 1 for Android 2.3.2+ Xeno Defense
You may have played other TOWER DEFENSE games but get ready to play THE TOWER DEFENSE!
This game is free to play.
+6 missions to play
+8 Towers and many support bases.
+A large number of aggressive enemies to fight against
+9 Special Weapons
+6 Different Levels
+Challenge through 20 to 100 waves
+Addictive gameplay, gorgeous graphics and great soundtrack
+ Consider carefully where to place you defensive units
+ Prepare carefully strategy for the first waves coming
+ Never forget to upgrade your defense system
One of the best tower defense game on Android Store
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Xeno Tower Defense APK
에브리타운 for Kakao APK
Here we provide 에브리타운 for Kakao APK V 1.7.9 for Android 4.0+ ✔ Take a break from the busy city life! Run off to the world of peaceful farming and enjoy the friendly delights
– Manage and grow crops from your fields as ingredients for mills & factories!
– Manage your own shops and produce all different kind of enjoyable foods and beverages!
✔ Complete with detailed graphics! Meet our series of adorable villagers and a wide selection of props to brighten-up your farm and village.
– Design your town with countless objects to express your very own ideas!
✔ Get to know series of characters in the game, with each an epic scenario!
– Enjoy and Challenge through new quests managing your town.
✔ Say hi to new friends, post comments on blogs, co-operate with other town-keepers and earn bonus items!
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:에브리타운 for Kakao APK
Legends of Honor (Polska) APK
Here we provide Legends of Honor (Polska) APK V 1.24.12 for Android 4.0.3+ Zbierz swoje armie i walcz o honor w strategicznej grze umiejętności i brutalnych działań wojennych. W Legends of Honor bohaterowie wspinają się na sam szczyt, a imperia upadają w mgnieniu oka. Zacznij grać za darmo i dołącz do walki o dominację!
Darmowa gra strategiczna dla prawdziwych legend! Pobierz Legends of Honor już teraz!
♚ Zwiedzaj i podbijaj odległe królestwa na pokrytej różnymi rodzajami terenu, trójwymiarowej mapie świata.
♚ Utwórz potężną armię i walcz o honor swojej frakcji.
♚ Odblokuj nowych bohaterów i stań na czele swoich wojsk w taktycznych scenariuszach bitewnych.
♚ Zawieraj silne sojusze i zmiażdż swoich przeciwników w heroicznej walce z innymi graczami.
♚ Zbuduj i modyfikuj swój własny średniowieczny zamek.
♚ Rozmawiaj z przyjaciółmi i bierz udział w naradach wojennych będąc częścią ogromnej społeczności skupionej wokół tętniącego życiem forum.
Legends of Honor łączy błyskawiczną, strategiczną walkę, taktyczną budowę imperium i zarządzanie zasobami. Twoje plany muszą więc być przemyślane, a ataki szybkie, jeżeli nie chcesz zobaczyć, jak twój zamek zostaje starty w pył.
Jak przystało na grę, w której utrzymująca szybkie tempo akcja przeplata się ze strategiczną rozbudową zamku, Legends of Honor oddaje graczom do dyspozycji gigantyczną mapę, którą mogą zwiedzać i podbijać. Nie wszystkie wojny rozstrzygają się jednak na polu bitwy. Jako lord swojego zamku musisz stworzyć podwaliny kwitnącej gospodarki, konstruować śmiercionośne uzbrojenie dla swoich żołnierzy i upewnić się, że obrona twojego zamku jest wystarczająco silna, żeby odeprzeć ataki żądnych krwi złoczyńców, którzy będą oblegać jego mury.
Czy masz w sobie to, czego trzeba, żeby stać się Legendą Honoru? Zacznij grać za darmo!
Problemy i pytania:
Latest Version Download Address:Legends of Honor (Polska) APK
Village City - Island Sim APK
Here we provide Village City – Island Sim APK V 1.4.0 for Android 2.3.2+ If you liked the early city building sims, you will definitely love this city building tycoon simulation game!
In Village City – Island Sim you will expand and build houses for your citizens, decorations and community buildings to make them happy, explore the beach, and create jobs so you can earn money and gold from your happy citizens. If you like to play a free citygame on Android™, building a virtual life on Village City – Island Sim is your best choice! Expand your city to make it larger and more challenging.
Discover, be creative and expand your island, town and beach life in a virtual world full of quests where you have the power to build a lot of different structures with a choice of 100+ unique buildings, like hotels, cinema"s, offices, bakeries, restaurants, and even oil platforms on your paradise island. Start with a tiny city and grow it into a large metropolis. Catch some fish with your boats, make people happy by building parks, beach huts, schools, churches, libraries, museums, plants, and even a nice ferris wheel. It is all about insight and balance in this city town game: happy people attract more citizens, who will need residences and jobs. You have all the power in this epic story: discover what is the best way to be a successful entrepreneur in this fabulous virtual world!
** Features **
– Top FREE to play simulation game
– Tablet support
– HIGH QUALITY town graphics
– Translated to 18 languages
– Intuitive gameplay
– Challenge to create your own new virtual paradise
– Unlock and build from a list of 100+ Unique buildings (residential, commercial, farm, community, decoration, park, plants, beach and sea buildings like oil platforms and more)
– Currencies: gold and cash
– Attract citizens with parks, trees, and community buildings
– Build residences for your larger population of citizens
– Collect profit from your commercial buildings
– Upgrade your city buildings
– Collect XP and level up to unlock new buildings for construction
– Collect dozens of REWARDS while playing
– Expand the tiny city on your larger paradise island to create more room for constructing more buildings, and making your tiny city bigger and bigger
– Speed up construction/upgrade time using gold
– Lots of adventure and quests to unlock
– Help your citizens build a city on this exotic island and explore the beach
– Age independent story
– Find pirate chests around your island, containing cash or gold
– Tons of hours of fun
– Play with your friends: enter friend codes and gift codes to receive cash and gold
– The "City Advisor" will provide insight and tell you what is needed in your city
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Village City - Island Sim APK
Clash Royale APK
Here we provide Clash Royale APK V 1.5.0 for Android 4.0.3+
Clash Royale was launched in early 2016 from Supercell. Clash Royale is a brand new, real-time, head-to-head battle game set in the Clash Universe. A breakthrough in the gameplay by adding a real-time strategy, MOBA and cards and other elements, tower defense with live real-time duel 1v1 play become popular around the world, brave challengers, Join the exciting Clash Royale arena Now!
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Clash Royale APK
Photo Editor
Great photo editor app! Has tons of features that work great and make pictures go from alright to amazing! Also it’s really easy to use and once you play with it for a little you can start making amazing photos!
Here we provide Photo Editor V 1.72 for Android 4.1+ * A powerful photo editor with many amazing effects, filters, frames and collage maker!
* A very comprehensive photo editor and pretty much everything you could ever want to do on your phone!
* There are so many effects, stickers and features to apply to your photos!
* Photo Editor will give you the look you want in seconds.
* Photo Editor is a fun editor that lets you quickly be pro, even if you’ve never edited a photo before
* Build in photo collage feature
* Our Facebook page:
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Photo Editor
Designer City
Here we provide Designer City V 1.33 for Android 2.3.4+ The year is 2050 and the world"s population is at breaking point. A remote undeveloped island has recently been discovered and you are responsible for constructing a new town there and developing it into a large and thriving city.
To build a successful city you will need to attract residents to the island by building houses and skyscrapers for them to live in. They will need jobs so you will also construct commercial and industrial buildings where they can work. Add in multiple city services, leisure and community buildings, parks and decorations to keep your new residents happy and content in their new city.
Happy sims will work harder and create more income for you to spend building and improving your city. Manage large transport networks to keep your citizens moving both day and night. Build large seaports and huge airports to increase industry and travel.
Suitable for all ages and all experience levels, Designer City is unique amongst all city building games due to the two ways you can play it. You can play it as a regular city builder and just design a fabulous city or use the inbuilt advanced analytics to optimise your city – down to an individual building level.
The more advanced city builders can apply town zoning principles, manage pollution levels, efficiently deploy city services and optimise city resources to increase city happiness and maximise city revenue. Keep it as simple as you like or be a tycoon and micromanage building your city and keeping your sims happy; the choice is yours.
Dynamic land generation ensures no two cities will ever look the same and you can manipulate the land as you progress. Want a river flowing through your city? No problem, just create one. Want to create a commercial powerhouse? No problem, zone a downtown area and build massive skyscrapers. Want to create a carbon-neutral city? No problem, use green power stations and carbon-offset with buses, trains, parks, lakes and forests.
With non-scripted game play you have the creative freedom to build your city your way. The only limitation is your imagination.
✔ FREE to play
✔ Does not require an internet connection to play
✔ Full freedom to design the city the way you want it
✔ Huge playing area to build your city on
✔ Play your city during the day and continue building at night
✔ Intuitive drag and drop building interface
✔ Non-scripted game play
✔ Helpful city advisers give you real time warnings and important information
✔ Dynamic land generation (coastlines, lakes, rivers and trees)
✔ Receive daily bonuses and weekly presents
✔ 400+ high quality photo-realistic buildings
✔ Add famous landmark buildings to your city
✔ Build road and rail networks with bridges
✔ Build massive seaports and customised airports
✔ Earn free gold
✔ 60 challenges and 250 achievements to complete
✔ 1,000 levels of progression
✔ Visit and compete with other cities from around the world
✔ Play against your Facebook friends
✔ Get your city to the top of multiple leader boards
✔ Manage city services and resources
✔ Micro manage and optimise your city (if you want to)
✔ Every building is upgradable and movable once built
✔ Overview your entire city and easily see areas of low happiness, high pollution or without critical services coverage
✔ Play on either tablet or phone. You can also play simultaneously on multiple devices if linked via Facebook – even to your iPad
✔ Low detail setting for smooth game play on older devices
✔ Play again and again with a city reset feature and watch a new landscape dynamically generate for you
If you love building games then this is the building game for you. Happy designing.
Note: Designer City can be played completely free. Some completely optional in-game items, such as purchasing game currency, will require payment.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Designer City
Mirror Photo Collage Maker
I love it so much it’s cool and awesome and so far I got about five pics down already.
Here we provide Mirror Photo Collage Maker V 1.3.1 for Android 2.3.2+ Create mirror and collage photos, edit any photo or stitch multiple photos into one collage photo with the Mirror Photo Collage Maker. With mirror photo collage maker, you can create many left-right, up-down reflection style of photos. You can apply many photo filters and frames to the mirror and collage photos. Stitch photos together, create photo collage, merge up to 9 photos together. Mirror photo collage maker is a powerful photo editor and photo collage maker with the mirror effects.
Mirror photo collage maker features:
Left right mirror, up down mirror, reflect 4 reflections, 15 total mirror effects.
37 photo filters and 60 frames.
Create collage photos with photo collage function: more than 150 grids and 60+ splits templates
Photo editor: adjust the contrast, brightness, saturation and vignette.
Add text and captions.
More than 200 stickers and emotions.
Share the photo on Instagram, twitter, Facebook.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Mirror Photo Collage Maker
Age of Cavemen APK
Here we provide Age of Cavemen APK V 1.9.0 for Android 4.0.3+ Fend off dangers of the wild, battle ancient armies and create alliances in your mission to conquer the world. As village chief, you are to build a prosperous settlement while defending your people from prehistoric dangers. This will be no easy task for other clans occupy this world; clans whose intentions might not be so pure. Set in a time long before modern civilization caveman operated on one basic law, conquer or be conquered. Which will you be? Start your settlement today to find out.
Age of Cavemen is a free-to-play multiplayer strategy game where the main goal of the player
is to face the dangers of wild, prehistoric world as a village chief. Build the prosperous settlement,
lead your army, create alliances and destroy your opponents!
Network connection is required to play this game.
● Build a strong and prosperous village
● Survive attacks of the enemies
● Train a huge army
● Lead the warriors to victory in battle
● Explore the prehistoric world with other Chieftains and conquer the world
Are having problems? Visit us at
Latest Version Download Address:Age of Cavemen APK
Alliance Wars
Here we provide Alliance Wars V 1.711 for Android 2.3.4+ Grow your Empire in a Day with UNLIMITED CURRENCY TO INSTANTLY COMPLETE ALL your Buildings
Prepare your Alliance for War and spread your Dominance in all corners of the empire in this modern military strategy game. Form powerful allies and lead your army in battle with the sole objective of complete annihilation. Build, research and upgrade the best units, buildings and facilities modern warfare has to offer and start expanding your empire.
★ BUILD THE PERFECT ARMY including marines, snipers, tanks, drones, and more.
★ DEPLOY MODERN WEAPONS including tactical nukes, emp waves and orbital HARRP strikes.
★ DYNAMIC WAR ARENA that delivers realistic battles and captures the unpredictability of warfare.
★ CONTROL YOUR ARMY in battle to surgically capture enemy bases.
★ FORGE ALLIANCES with millions of allies from around the Globe
★ SAVE THE WORLD from multiple terrorist organizations to unlock achievements in this MMO military strategy game.
★ CHAT WITH THE WORLD by sending messages between your Allies to formulate your war strategy
Download Alliance Wars: Global Invasion for FREE today and see if you have what it takes to command a military alliance to victory!
The game is free to play, however in-app purchases are available for additional content and premium currency. In-app purchases range from $0.99 to $99.99.
Note: A network connection is required to play
This application is published, developed and managed by Mindstorm Studios. For the Privacy & Cookie Policy, please visit
Latest Version Download Address:Alliance Wars
Locket Photo Frames
If this keeps happening I will have to delete this app I enjoyed it at first but now when I try to use it , it continues to tell me unfortunately app has stopped.
Here we provide Locket Photo Frames V 1.7 for Android 2.1+ Locket Photo Frames is a free android application.Make impressive looking locket photo frames by adjusting your images in locket. Once you select the locket frame and edit your picture on it at that moment if you would like to change the locket frame then the option is available .
There are 8 locket frames in the app.
Create Photo Lockets with your photos and your loved ones and share them with friends and family to show off you love with Love Lockets.
The Photo Lockets can be created using simple steps:
1. Select Photos of 2 people in love.
2. Rotate your picture left and right and also Zoom.
3. Choose one the locket styles from variety of Love Lockets available.
4. Save and share the Locket Photos created.And also set saved locket frame as wallpaper.
Create awesome love symbols with your photos and impress your lover.
Now you have your very own Love Locket Wallpaper.
if there is any problem please let us know. Write your problem in comment box below.
Latest Version Download Address:Locket Photo Frames
Here we provide 武神关圣 V 4.5.6 for Android 2.3.4+ 梟雄亂世!奇兵詭陣!成就最終王者!
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